Puppetry has been around for centuries, bringing joy and imagination to everyone it touches. Now you can learn to create and build your own puppets, and make them come to life!

Now, bring your imagination to life!  BROADWAY and CIRQUE DU SOLEIL puppeteers teach teenagers how to create puppets using objects from around the house.

This on-line course will cover the basics of creating puppets using found objects from around your house that will bring your imagination to life.  Small class sizes ensure individual attention as each student works directly with professional puppeteers who have worked on BROADWAY and with CIRQUE DU SOLEIL. This class is for teenagers.
Register now at rhinoleap.com/register
Wednesdays: 5pm-6:30pm
April 7th through May 12th
Tuition: $150 for all 6 classes
Maximum of 10 students

Learn from the pros through our very own RhinoLeap Productions… SPACE IS LIMITED! ACT NOW!